What is PACE?

PACE--Planning to Achieve Collegiate Excellence--is an initiative by NSCS to help public schools in the local community. This year, Georgia Tech has partnered with our friends at Georgia State at will be mentoring/tutoring at King Middle School (website).

King Middle School has been chosen as our target school because of the great amount of potential improvement. The school lost some of its state funding because it did not meet the annual yearly progress (AYP). Our work there is especially important because it will help the school to meet this year's AYP and regain funding as well as to prepare students for the CRCT test, which they must pass to move on to 9th grade. Eighth grade math is one of the most critical classes for any public school student.

What you do as a mentor
As a mentor, you will establish a relationship with a classroom of 8th graders. Specifically, you will be tutoring math. Besides math tutoring, you will be mentor these students in other aspects of life. The students will soon identify you as a role model and will follow in your footsteps.

Please continue reading to find out how to become a mentor--it's very easy and is as little or as much time commitment as you want it to be.

March to College Day
We will host students from King Middle School on GA State's campus for a day of activities to get them excited about the idea of college. The tentative date is Thursday, April 14, 2011.