How to mentor

Mentoring takes a commitment--from as little as 1 hour per week to as often as you like. At the very least, you must be committed to a weekly timeslot--the students and teachers will enjoy having you and grow to depend on your weekly presence. Available time slots are as follows:

  • Monday-Friday: 9-10*; 10-11; 12-12:40; 2:45-3:45
  • Monday only: 4-5pm (after school program tutoring)

*Since King Middle School recently lost some funding due to low math scores, they have a curriculum-wide mathematics period from 9-10 M-F. At this time, the entire school is taking math--that is, social studies and English teachers teach math too. Therefore, the 9-10 timeslot is extra important because you will be helping out not only the students but also the non-math teachers who may be less familiar with the material.

When you have got your background check (see "Before you can tutor"), email me the digital copy and your time(s) to which you are willing to commit to weekly tutoring. Bring your background check with you on your first visit to the school.

Mentoring takes place at King Middle School in Atlanta, GA. It is located at 545 Hill St. There is free visitor parking at the school.

Here is a map of how to get to the King Middle School--it is only a 10-15 minute drive. It is about 20 minutes by bike--I've done so for the past 2 weeks.

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Every time you arrive at the school, you need to register your visit in the main office. You will pick up a visitor sticker with your name on it. If it is your first time, you should request to see Coach Dwayne Carter--he will show you what teacher you will work with. After you get to know your teacher, you need only to register as a visitor in the main office and report to his/her classroom for your shift. You will help him/her out with classroom activities.

Build a relationship with your mentees!